

Original price was: $25.00.Current price is: $12.50.


Dale Bruning | Bill Frisell 

$25 [Double CD] NOW $12.50

In this live concert at Cornish College of the Arts in Seattle, Washington (picutred above with Mt. Rainer in background), Dale and his long-ago student, but ever-lasting friend, Bill Frisell, played jazz standards together for the first time in many years. They had led clinics at Cornish prior to this concert.



Dale Bruning | Bill Frisell

   The first pairing on the Jazz Link Enterprises label, JLE, of Dale Bruning, with his former student and now, long-time friend, Bill Frisell, was a happy, joy-filled recording of two men who love the instrument they play, the guitar, and each other.
Also, in 1995, Bill had a gig in Denver and invited Dale to play with him as a duo. In a turn-of-the-century concert in Seattle, Washington, 2000, at Cornish School of the Arts, Dale and Bill came together again as a duo. The results of which are here on this CD, titled, appropriately enough, Reunion.

   In this 2-disc CD, music was chosen to reflect standards from the Great American Songbook and from jazz standards. You will hear such favorites as Poor Butterfly, Seven Come Eleven, I’m Getting Sentimental over You, Anthropology, and All Blues. In total, 12 songs were recorded.

   To enhance this even more is the delightful artwork on the CD cover by FarSide artist Gary Larson.