The Timeless Music of Harold Arlen

The Timeless Music of Harold Arlen

Dale Bruning | Michael Moore |Rich Chiaraluce | Paul Romaine | Jude Hibler – narrator

$15 NOW $7.50

   In 2001, Dale and I were asked to provide the entertainment for a Boulder Community Hospital fundraiser. We were happy to oblige.

   We decided on presenting music of Harold Arlen in the first part and Harry Warren in the second part of the show. Both of these men moved to Hollywood from New York and were prolific composers for the budding movie industry. 
   Arlen’s Over the Rainbow put Judy Garland on the map as she sang it to farm animals (over the strong objections of the “Money Men” for the film of their star singing to mere animals!) in The Wizard of Oz in 1939. 

   While neither composers’ names are as familiar as others of the Tin Pan Alley time, their songs are.

   In addition toOver the Rainbow, Come Rain or Come Shine, and A Sleepin’ Bee are all rich offerings by this gentle giant in the music business.

   Dale and I wanted people to become acquainted with our format of presentations so we included my narrations on each of these recordings.

Here we go!

Composer Harold Arlen